Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Terrific Tuesday!!!

Well its Tuesday night, mision is already four days old - we're technically halfway through. It's amazing how quickly the week has gone.

The first two days have been great. Monday and Tuesday has seen 45 and 44 kids turn up -very encourgaing!!! Andrew Spalding's talks have been great and Stephen Mugridge has been challenging the younger group as he talks about the choices that have been made by the biblical heroes in response to God great choice on the cross.

The Emmerson's the family we live with are wonderful - they share their house, their dirt/weed tennis court and of course the spare house they have with us. It has been great spending time with them after mision - we've fought some fierce games of soccer on the dirt/weed tennis court. Hannah Emmerson is currently avoiding washing up but Mark's (her dad) just given her the tally ho and she's on the way to the sink!

Seriously its been an encouraging week where we have seen God working powerfully. We praise God for that. Our devotion times have also been really encouraging as we grapple with the reality of being sinners who have been saved by God and chosen to live holy lives.

Hannah is now back - oh no she hasn't finished the washing up yet so she has again been given a fatherly giddy up.

Please keep praying for us. We have three days of mission to go. We are tired but excited about how God is working. Pray that we might remain energised and passionate about the message we are bringing. Pray for our relationships within the team and pray that we might be inspired by the awesome nature of God's glory.

1 comment:

poetpete said...

Great to read it is going well.

May the Lord bless you all as you serve him in such an eternally important work.

Remember the Lord is the King of the Universe and has everything sorted; and that will keep any glitches in perspective.
