Monday, July 9, 2007

Back to Reality

Well we have returned safely! We left on Saturday morning and were home by the evening, in time to see Australia beat the South Africans.

What a great week. We're all tired. Some of us are already back at work this week - trying to shake off the post mission blues and re-orientate our lives to the day to day grind.

It would be nice to list all the things we have learnt in this post but it doesn't feel like we have had enough time to process it all. The mission aspect was absolutely fantastic. We had 55 kids attend over the week. The parents gave some really positive feedback about the new theme and they kids (particularly the high schoolers) were so encouraging to lead.

The team time was amazing - probably the best week of fellowship many of us have experienced. It was great to study the bible together and really grapple with the idea of Holy Living for People Who Sin. Many of us came away challenged by the messages of the bible and the reality that God has chosen us to bear fruit - fruit that will last.

We'll post a couple more time this week with some pictures as well and then call this blog to an end.

Tune in later this week for our final thoughts.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Thirsty Thursday

Just a quick report to say all has been going well.

God has been blessing us richly this week.

Please pray that God will be energising us for the last two days of mission. Pray that the Kids might be moved powerfully to honour and serve our Lord and Saviour.

We look forward to seeing many of you soon.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Terrific Tuesday!!!

Well its Tuesday night, mision is already four days old - we're technically halfway through. It's amazing how quickly the week has gone.

The first two days have been great. Monday and Tuesday has seen 45 and 44 kids turn up -very encourgaing!!! Andrew Spalding's talks have been great and Stephen Mugridge has been challenging the younger group as he talks about the choices that have been made by the biblical heroes in response to God great choice on the cross.

The Emmerson's the family we live with are wonderful - they share their house, their dirt/weed tennis court and of course the spare house they have with us. It has been great spending time with them after mision - we've fought some fierce games of soccer on the dirt/weed tennis court. Hannah Emmerson is currently avoiding washing up but Mark's (her dad) just given her the tally ho and she's on the way to the sink!

Seriously its been an encouraging week where we have seen God working powerfully. We praise God for that. Our devotion times have also been really encouraging as we grapple with the reality of being sinners who have been saved by God and chosen to live holy lives.

Hannah is now back - oh no she hasn't finished the washing up yet so she has again been given a fatherly giddy up.

Please keep praying for us. We have three days of mission to go. We are tired but excited about how God is working. Pray that we might remain energised and passionate about the message we are bringing. Pray for our relationships within the team and pray that we might be inspired by the awesome nature of God's glory.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Super Sunday

Well the trip up was great! We left at 9:30 and were into Tambar's main street by 3:45 - pretty good time and and we brought some rain with us too.

Today we went to church with the rest of the Tambar Community. It was an immensely encouraging experience for us all. It's a great time to touch base with some of the more regular families at Tambar and hear how the year has treated them. The church was packed today. They seem to be a growing community which is so great to hear.

Tonight we had a great devotion time thinking about the reality of sin and we were all convicted about the reality of our ongoing struggle with sin. Pray that we might continue to learn, be challenged and grow.

Tomorrow is the first day of mission. Please pray that it might all go well. It seems like God is working really powerfully in the team and we pray that he might do the same in the kids.

Please pray that the weather during mission time would remain fine so we have enough space to run our activities. Please also pray that many kids come to hear our message.

On a slightly less important note Emily Hammond and Andrew Spalding have asked that their families would tape Lost and Prison Break.