Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Winding Road of Preparation

We had our first mission meeting last week. 99% attendance and the other 1% was extremely apologetic - a pretty good start

One of the things that strikes me each time we start preparing for mission is the number of apparently meaningless things which seem to occupy our time at the start. For example - what do we call mission, a kids club or a kids mission. We're all so keen to do mission that the work leading up to the week seems torturous. But that's mission I guess. While bringing people to know and trust Jesus is important and exciting it often doesn't happen without hard work and planning.

So it is to planning we go. Posters and flyers will soon be shooting off the presses and out the north west of NSW. The drama is being written, or at least thought through. The talks are being planned and written. The craft is being... well its being dreamt up. Trying to keep our eye on the prize will help with motivation. So will prayer. We'd love if you could pray for the following things this coming week:

  • For rain to fall on the rural parts of NSW, including the community of Tambar Springs;

  • Please pray that advertising for the week will reach the kids of the community and they will be able to come for the week;

  • Please pray for the provision of appropriate transport for the week;

  • Praise God for the great first meeting we had; and

  • Please pray that we will remain a team focussed on our mission to bring Jesus to the kids of Tambar Springs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God for you, in putting this blog together & for everything that is happening for the Tambar Springs mission.